Monday 8 January 2018

A New Year

I am planning to keep this one short and sweet...! My main observation for this new year is one of huge relief that I am in a better place than last year (albeit a grumbling tonsillitis!) 12 months ago I was mid-anxiety episode (episode being days-weeks long) and scared that it might not ever go.  I sought help quickly and by the end of March was back to feeling like ‘me’ and that in itself was everything.  The rest of the year was spent enjoying my little boy and continuing to be amazing by his new abilities and understanding that he achieves every day.  We enjoyed a week Euro-camping in France, and had a lovely Xmas with our family.

I’ve never really been one for resolutions as I have always been rubbish at keeping them, but this new year feels a little different and I am excited to give myself a kick up the bum and looking forward to creating new healthy habits, and booting some bad ones a million miles away!  Frustratingly this ‘new year new me’ seems rather on hold as I am recovering from the lurgy but hoping by the end of the week I will have my zing back ready to start a new cardio Pilates class that fits in well after work (rather than the slog of driving home then driving out again).  I have started the 5:2 diet which I am not only enjoying but feeling the benefit of already, and joined an online inspirational group of like minded horsey gals to support each other in our own goals for improved fitness and weight loss - ultimately we all want to ride our horses better 😃

Happy New Year!