Thursday, 8 March 2018

Carat’s Progress (or current lack of...)

Good old snow putting our plans ‘adrift’ again (pardon the pun).  After having another gentle winter it’s time to actually start some work and make some progress.  The following photos were taken 3 weeks ago, and he measured 512kg on the weigh tape.  The plan is for a noticeable improvement in condition over the next 4 weeks.  (Feel I should note that his neck looks oddly scrawny in the picture but it really isn’t this bad!!)

We have started some long reining and now need to increase ridden hours.  As soon as I pass my towing test (another story!) I hope it will be easier to get out schooling and find some new and exciting hacking routes.  I can also commit to clinics held by my local riding club and see if I can remember how to ride a dressage test!

After the crazy weather last week it feels like Spring is finally in the air and I can start down rugging and give him a long awaited bath.  I was lucky to be given a bottle of nourishing shampoo to review by Topline Organics, so can’t wait to put it to the test and get rid of his winter grease.

I’ve already managed one early morning ride (which means back in the house by 8.30 to tag team Dean) and as long as I can get better at getting my lazy arse out of bed can continue to get out and on and just generally crack on with it!

Wish us luck!