It’s a bit of a kick in the teeth when you get ready to go out (first time leaving the house after 6pm in about 3 months) and none of your clothes actually fit. I knew my weight was creeping up again, and I knew (or at least hoped) that if I kicked my butt and did some regular structured exercise I could do something about it, however it turns out I am not very good at kicking one’s own butt (don’t get me started on lack of flexibility). Lack of motivation has always been a bit of a barrier for me in terms of exercise, and so it’s taken getting to this size/weight to know I need to do something about it was NOW!
Bit of background - I’m a tall girl, and never really had to worry about what I ate. I’ve always been fairly active and enjoy cooking and eating well. My ideal weight was about 9.5st, it dropped a little when I was doing more, and towards my latter 20’s crept up closer to 10st, however I was happy in a bikini and chose lazy evenings in with the hubster rather than racing back out to the gym/exercise class. (Living on the moors we are about a 20 minute drive to anywhere, so after driving home from work the last thing I want to do is go for another drive for a gym class...)
After having Ethan my extra baby weight stuck about, I felt like a cow but didn’t really care- I had just grown a baby and was putting every minute of the day into him. Clothes were an issue as I had a fairly sparse maternity wardrobe mostly living in Dean’s joggers and hoodys, I hadn’t really considered post birth! My fitted ‘bump’ jerseys were tricky to breast feed in, however Fat Face saved the day (I couldn’t actually do up a NEXT size 16 shirt at the time) and is still my first go to shop when I want to treat myself now. Anyway, the weight didn’t drop until I stopped bf at 8 months, then it really dropped. 2 months on I was back in my skinny jeans and relieved I had got there. Around this time My anxiety demons had caught up with me and I had about 3 months of feeling pretty poorly and not eating my usual lot, so that also contributed but it wasn’t long until I was back on track and feeling good.
Now - I absolutely must do something about this. Don’t get me wrong, size is just a number and really doesn’t matter, unless your number is bothering you, and I am bothered. My clothes don’t fit (oh just to be able to wear a fitted tee over my jeans and not be hanging out) and more importantly I’m unfit. I don’t want to buy a new wardrobe, and most importantly want a bit of the zing back that I know comes with being a bit fitter and healthier. Another incentive is my poor pony- I am beginning to get out more regularly with him, and it’s only a matter of time until I am back in the dressage ring. I want to be fitter and more flexible so that I can ride my horse better (and fit into my beautiful Ariat competition boots!) Simples!
So - my plan: A 7 days blitz to get me going, using my modified version of a juice detox. Now if I followed the boom to a tee, this would mean 7 days of consuming only vegetable and fruit juice (extracted juice rather than bullet smoothies) bah not going to happen! There’s no way I can watch my boys eating the yummy food I have prepared and not join in!! I have however done a strict 3 day juice plan in the past and had ridiculously good results, as well as just fitting a juice into my regular daily routine I really did feel better for it. It’s a habit I want to pick back up and stick to.
My rules: 7 days of no caffeine, no alcohol and no gluten (this last one is a bit of an experiment as I have noticed feeling super big and bloaty after certain meals so want to cut this out so that I can slowly re-introduce and see whether it does have much effect on me). I will use juice recipes from Jason Vale Juice Master and incorporate 2x 10 mins (at least) exercise routines into my day using some old DVDs, and going old school with a Zumba class on the Wii and using my old Wii fit board to monitor my weight (had to dust that one off!!!) Juice for breakfast, healthy salad-y lunch, mid afternoon juice and my regular dinner, just going a little easier on the portion size. I will post each day’s plan, and how well I have kept to it.... wish me luck!