My beloved Carat has had the best part of two years off now. Since the beginning of this year I have been so desperate to ‘get going’ again... yet, another summer has passed and I have lost the early mornings and light evenings which really were my only hope!! Things are looking up though - our average once monthly hack has progressed to once a week (ish!) and I have submitted my application to take my towing test (thanks to the Exmoor Hill Farming Network) so if I get brave enough can take myself out and about, especially to the indoor school less than 10 minutes up the road!
I’m not really sure why I have struggled so much to get back on it since having Ethan. My first ride was about 8 weeks post birth, allowing generous mending time for my stitches and getting a busy lambing season over with. Carat is such a good, kind horse so I am lucky that I never have to fear ‘what he might do’ - don’t get me wrong he has his odd moment, but never leaves me with a sense of insecurity for which I am grateful for. I know so many riding mums that have been back competing a matter of weeks post baby let alone getting on with all of the fittening and training work, and while I’m sad we haven’t done more, I think that I am accepting of the fact, if not secretly in awe of those that have done better than me.
Before falling pregnant I completed my first one day event (2nd place!) and while the thought of completing another isn’t even on the horizon I am desperate to get back in to the dressage arena. I have always loved my flat work and love the feedback that dressage gives you, with simple goals to progress and improve.
Ethan is now at an age where I can take him outside with me and shut the yard gate so he is free to wander and play with his tractor whilst I can muck out (keeping half an eye on him) and attempt to sort through rugs and kit that has all been a bit neglected over the last couple of years! While that doesn’t really help with the riding part at least my tack will (should...) be clean and I can get better at planning ahead with child help and see where we can get to by the Spring. Wish me luck!