Monday, 23 October 2017

Toddler Vs Horse


   My beloved Carat has had the best part of two years off now.  Since the beginning of this year I have been so desperate to ‘get going’ again... yet, another summer has passed and I have lost the early mornings and light evenings which really were my only hope!!  Things are looking up though - our average once monthly hack has progressed to once a week (ish!) and I have submitted my application to take my towing test (thanks to the Exmoor Hill Farming Network) so if I get brave enough can take myself out and about, especially to the indoor school less than 10 minutes up the road!

   I’m not really sure why I have struggled so much to get back on it since having Ethan.  My first ride was about 8 weeks post birth, allowing generous mending time for my stitches and getting a busy lambing season over with.  Carat is such a good, kind horse so I am lucky that I never have to fear ‘what he might do’ - don’t get me wrong he has his odd moment, but never leaves me with a sense of insecurity for which I am grateful for.  I know so many riding mums that have been back competing a matter of weeks post baby let alone getting on with all of the fittening and training work, and while I’m sad we haven’t done more, I think that I am accepting of the fact, if not secretly in awe of those that have done better than me.

   Before falling pregnant I completed my first one day event (2nd place!) and while the thought of completing another isn’t even on the horizon I am desperate to get back in to the dressage arena.  I have always loved my flat work and love the feedback that dressage gives you, with simple goals to progress and improve.  

   Ethan is now at an age where I can take him outside with me and shut the yard gate so he is free to wander and play with his tractor whilst I can muck out (keeping half an eye on him) and attempt to sort through rugs and kit that has all been a bit neglected over the last couple of years!  While that doesn’t really help with the riding part at least my tack will (should...) be clean and I can get better at planning ahead with child help and see where we can get to by the Spring.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Sunday Funday

   We try to make an effort to get out at least once a week as a family - as well as memory making and spending quality time together i feel it is so important to just 'get out' and prevent cabin fever setting in.  Farming is a 24/7 life style and it is easy to get carried away with the never ending 'to do' list as well as keeping on top of the livestock's daily needs.  It is not uncommon for a couple of weeks to pass with the other half not having any away time, and this can get mentally exhausting.

   Today we took a trip 10 minutes down the road for a stomp around the woods at Arlington Court (stopping on the way to feed the cows at some away ground)!  We got there to discover a major parenting fail - to not have brought any shoes or boots for Ethan!!!  Seriously of all the things to forget..... fortunately we had packed the Ergobaby, so I carried the lump on my back whilst Dean took charge of the dogs.  A lovely walk though (if not rather sweaty) and will be back before the leaves have completely turned with wellies in tow.